The story of Shapir’s Industry Division begins in 1986, when the Israel Electric Corporation contracted Shapir to construct a breakwater off the coast of Ashkelon, an Israeli port city. This project required a large quantity of marine stone. For this purpose, Shapir received the necessary permits to operate a quarry near Emek Haela – the Nahal Eziyona Quarry.
Producing the huge amounts of stone necessary for the breakwater project took two years, during which time the infrastructure of the quarry was firmly established. An access road was built, heavy machinery was brought onto the site and, in 1988, a new 60 tons / hour processing line began operation.
In the short term, the establishment of the Nahal Eziyona Quarry enabled the successful completion of the Ashkelon project. Yet the long-term effects would be much more significant for Shapir, and for industry throughout Israel. This project heralded the start of a new era for Shapir as a major player in the building material industry.
Today, Shapir’s Industry Division includes several quarries worldwide, associated asphalt and concrete plants, as well as transportation and logistics companies to supply the vehicles and tools required to provide every client with an ideal, comprehensive solution.
Shapir currently has a number of active quarries in Israel, producing millions of tons of hard dolomite and aggregate per year. These include the Nahal Eziyona Quarry, the Nahal Natuf Shapir Quarry which was established in the end of 2006 near the rapidly-growing city of Modiin, the Vered Quarry, purchased in 2005, and located on Highway 65 by the entrance to Wadi Ara, and the Zanuach Quarry near Ramat Beit Shemesh, also purchased in 2005.
The Shapir Group uses the rock produced by the quarries for a wide variety of purposes: concrete and asphalt plants, building contractors, roads and infrastructure, airport runways, pre-prepared concrete factories, concrete tubing, curbstones, interlocking concrete paver, blocks, breakwaters, a variety of aggregates, and more.
Some major clients include the Israeli government ministries, such as the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Housing, and government-owned companies.
The key to the success of Shapir’s quarries is the quality of the dolomite, from which asphalt, concrete, gravel, and many other products can be produced, all of the finest quality. Each quarry is exceptionally efficient, and able to create a wide variety of products according to customer demand. In addition, the quarries’ convenient locations throughout Israel allow sales to the main centers of demand.
All the manufacturing equipment employed by the quarries is the most modern and advanced in the industry, in keeping with the Shapir philosophy of always working with up-to-date technology. The mobile equipment is supplied by the leading companies in the field, and every item is frequently upgraded or replaced. In addition, every process is computerized, enabling each production facility to create detailed reports that allow every facet of production to be fine-tuned.